Coin-Op Images
Misc. Pinball Related Images
Images for sale
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Welcome to Coin-Op Images


This site is devoted to ads and images of coin-operated amusement devices such as pinball machines, slot machines, jukeboxes, trade stimulators and counter games, etc. Other related areas such as punchboards are also included.

You will find hundreds of photos, ad reproductions and other images here. Many of the ads are for sale in printed form also. Currently there is a gallery of color game photos plus lots of old images. As time goes on I will be adding more, but please be patient.

Click on one of the image areas from the menu at left. Below is a brief explanation of the areas:

  • Gallery - a gallery of photos of various coin-op machines and games.
  • PinMisc - miscellaneous pinball images. Currently dominated by 1930s distributor stuff
  • ForSale - Lots of color pinball flyer images from 1930s/1960s, cool 30s cigarette ads, Wurlitzer, etc.

The presentation is optimized for display resolution of 1024 x 768 with normal font sizes. If your monitor is set to that resolution, then you should be able to see the entire image and text for each image on your screen without scrolling.

If you have some photos of old and/or unusual coin-op devices, please contact me for possible inclusion here. You should own the rights to the photos you wish to share (as opposed to grabbing photos from other web sites or from eBay). I buy old photos, postcards and other paper related to pinball/coin-op. Please let me know if you have stuff for sale!

Please visit the sister website,, for lots of good stuff, with a heavy emphasis on pinball. Lots of stuff for sale there. Thank you. Enjoy!

Last updated: May 16, 2003

© Terry Cumming, 2002-2003